I love the earth, I love wildlife and beautiful plants. I love the oceans and the beautiful ocean life. The earth is amazing, and the life in it is truly amazing. (which is why I love capturing it!) The way everything works together is fascinating to me. It is spring and this year I realized more than ever how beautiful nature is. I realized how many people (including myself in the past) don't think twice about how we treat the earth. We enjoy it, but many of us don't take care of it and really take it for granted. I think back at the things I have done to contribute to pollution. So I thought about what I could do to help. Every little bit helps. First I thought about all the paper I use daily. I use A LOT. So I decided I could at least cut down on my use and use recycled paper for the things I must use paper for. From now on, I will send my information packets via the internet using pdf files. I will also offer incentives such as print credits to those who bring back materials I sent or gave to them if they bring them back to me. Envelopes I've used for mailing, boxes from my packaging, etc.
I am going to use recycled and organic as much as possible. In my personal life, I love burning candles, so from now on, I will use soy candles- and I must say, they smell FANTASTIC!! Paper is an extremely wasted product. Even in my day to day life, I see A LOT of paper waste. My kids bring home a lot of papers from school and even though it is imperative to their education, there are still a lot of papers that aren't necessary, or many duplicates of announcements and such since I have two kids in school. Then, of course, is the amount of junk mail I get. I'm sure I'm not the only one! Little pieces of paper I write lists on, printing that was incorrect and having to be reprinted, etc. Wow, that's a lot of paper- and this is almost daily!! Even if you don't believe in Global Warming , conservation is still VERY important. Cutting down on pollution is very important. I am looking out my window and seeing birds, squirrels and chipmunks running around in my very green yard! I want my children's children to see that too!
Here are some resources for those thinking of "going green" as well!
Apparently all you have to do is click to this next site to help! It has Rainforest Preservation, Animal Rescues, Breast Cancer Awareness and some others.